Defining your brand in a noisy marketplace

In this episode, we talk to Henrietta Dehn and Kevin McGurgan from OTPP, about the complexities of communicating a distinct brand and set of values from inside one of the world’s largest super allocators.

Capturing the essence of a charity’s purpose on film

Conversation Over Borders (COB) is a UK charity that exists to support people fleeing war and persecution who are seeking safety in the UK. Our programme of work together sought to help them define that story, connecting the various parts

Changing channels

Natalie Powell, Consultant at Bladonmore, looks at the changing media landscape, the rise of short-form...

Making films sustainable

Hayley Day Calder, Production Co-ordinator at Bladonmore, suggests three ways in which you can tell...

20 years and going strong…

Each of us sees the world a bit differently. But when we communicate well, we connect. We understand. We progress.

Back in the room

Al Loehnis muses on the best ways to optimise capital markets events for both live...