Getting the right result

Investors are bored stiff of lifeless results presentations. Give them a reason to get excited about yours.

Results presentations. Given that they’re a key opportunity for companies to share their story and credentials with investors, you’d think that companies would choose to stand out, wouldn’t you?

Well, a Bladonmore review of some of the largest listed entities in the UK, continental Europe, Asia and the US would suggest otherwise. Most results presentations remain true to a very tired, traditional format. The words are scripted and without life; the settings are often drab and with terrible screens; and the slides are usually so difficult to decipher that they would test the eyesight of even the youngest members of the financial community.

It’s a real pity because when companies dare to do something just a little bit different – not radical, just thinking about it a bit – they can really stand out. Take a look at Aviva’s results in recent years with Mark Wilson, CEO striding around the stage in front of a large screen. Or Jack Ma from Alibaba sharing his passion for the future of online retailing. Speak to most analysts and investors and they’ll tell you that’s the sort of thing they want to see – a bit of differentiation; what makes the management team really tick and their story stand out. Not exactly the same thing, regardless of company and sector.

Add in a bit of high quality multimedia – not exactly radical in this day and age – and you have the beginnings of a winning formula. Much of today’s financial community has grown up in the internet age, using technology to your company’s advantage is no longer frowned upon when sharing results. Take a look at BP’s ‘to the camera’ video interviews, backed up by animated graphics, or live streaming from the likes of PaddyPowerBetfair.

Heck, some point soon, some of these companies might even begin to utilise the world of social media for their results, too.

To discuss how your organisation can make an impact with its investor presentations and communications, get in touch.

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