Telling your story of innovation
With technology forcing abrupt change into the normally conservative professional and finance services, communicating innovation is more essential than ever.
There’s a buzzword sweeping our law and financial services clients as quickly as Professor Kelly’s recent BBC interview went viral, and it’s summarised in a single word: innovation. How successfully firms adapt their culture and offerings in light of new technologies will make or break them in the decades to come. Especially as disruptive tech companies and the Big Four are also making strong claims.
Firms must work to develop a culture that is open and enthusiastic about using innovation and technology to solve client problems. And communicating to clients how they are solving these issues is half the battle. We are receiving increasing requests from clients on ways to communicate services and benefits that will educate their internal and external audiences.
Some are looking for standalone thought-leadership projects, while others see innovation as fitting into their master corporate narrative. And as we continue to hear of more and more firms investing in resourcing and technology solutions, the need to communicate how, why and what becomes ever more fundamental to success.
Managing Director, Liz Brown and Senior Consultant, Sandra Davis will be leading a workshop on how to create an overarching narrative for your innovation story, to write innovation into your business narrative with our work for Allen & Overy as a case study.
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